Practical Anarchy in the form of National
Corporate Governance can Decentralize Decision-Making & Empower People
Usually the word Anarchy has a negative connotation. However, there can be times and situations, where there may be a role even for anarchy, or perhaps, such situations can be considered as fit for extending a role to anarchy as an inherent part of the process of social evolution. Similar is the case of practical anarchy, where society begins to take care of its public functions itself with less and less role of authoritarian government. The question, however, is can it really work?
Practical Anarchy can be Meaningful if it Converts Rulers into Public Managers and People into Governing Stakeholders with a Share in All Residual Rents |
What is Anarchy?
Anarchy may not mean the same thing to every person, neither would it have
the same meaning in every possible context. Depending upon the context in which
it is used and the actions that it is supposed to depict, it can have a
positive or a negative connoation.
In common use the term 'anarchy' is used to denote a state of lawlessness -
a negative connotation, referring to a situation where the people wish to have
order imposed by an authority, but due to some reason the order has broken down
and things have gone haywire.
Contrary to the negative connotations of anarchy, the word Anarchism
refers to a political philosophy that proposes the absence of any authority -
ruler or government - as a means of improving the welfare of people. Here, the
word Anarchy has a positive connotation. Unlike its negative usage, here
anarchy is a system of choice, chosen by people, because it is better than any
system that is run by government.
What is Anarchism as an Ideology?
The ideology of anarchism grew out of negative experiences resulting from
the abuse of authority by the rulers. In a nation state, the government,
whether a monarchy or a democratically elected one, is possessed with such a
huge amount of power over its subjects, the people or the citizen, that it is
impossible to keep the rulers away from mischief and abuse of power. This, in
essence, is the rationality behind the concept of anarchism.
First propounded by philosophers like William Godwin and Pierre-Joseph
Proudhon, the concept of anarchism has had many supporters, organised in
numerous schools of thought, with significant differences among them regarding
how much of any authority or order could be acceptable and in what form. Thus
we have schools like Mutualism (which advocates mutual understanding as
an alternative to government), Individual Anarchism (which advocates
unhindered individualism without any authority or collectivism), Collectivist
Anarchism (which advocates collective understanding to bring order) and other
deviations like Anarchist Communism, Anarcho-Syndicalism and
What is Practical Anarchy?
While in theory, anarchism refers to complete absence of government and
order, in practice that has never been experienced in modern history. Yet, it
is also true that since its advent around 150,000 years ago on this planet, the
human beings have lived all through these millennia in anarchy. Given that,
humans have a far greater experience of living in anarchy than being under
authority and order. Unfortunately, that experience pertains to a
pre-civilisation era, which we may not wish to adopt today.
There has been a gap between development of civilisation and the growth of
a modern nation state, where government has an omnipresent potential of
interfering in lives of the people. Till recently, governments were largely
confined to collecting taxes, raising armies and defending the country or the
kingdom from foreign invaders. Villages mostly used to be on their own. This,
though not a case of anarchy in the true sense of the word, is not far from it
In recent times, the experience of people in Somalia after the collapse of
Somali government in 1991 and the time Islamic Court Union took control in 1999
can be considered a period of Anarchy. Though it was a state of lawlessness,
not opted purposely, and hence having a negative connotation, yet, some
research works have claimed that during this period, the living standards of
people actually improved compared to the times when there was a government.
A Model Of Practical Anarchy In Today's World
There have been many different versions of practical anarchy suggested by
different schools. However, most of them are reactionist, and appear to be
interested in somehow avoiding the negative aspects of government misrule. Very
few have attempted to suggest a workable model fit for twenty first century.
So let me suggest one, and make a case for it. Of course these are all
hypthetical reflections which at best are little more than the views of an
If the idea is to avoid the ills of allowing power over our lives being
concentrated in the hands of too few, then it can also be achieved by changing
the role assigned to the government. Today, role of people, even in functioning
democracies, is just to cast a vote for electing the government - this can
change the person at the helm of affairs, but won't change powers that are
concentrated in that person. In simple words, democracy does not become 'rule
by the people' just by an exercise of voting.
We need a system where people get involved in the decision making process,
and thereby directly control their life. It can be achieved by a three step
modification of government.
(i) Let citizens decide how
much will be the tax & how much government will spend on which item
- In today's world of networking, a citizen can express his priorities and
wishes for use of tax paid by people, and also choose how much he would be
willing to pay for each item. If that can be made binding on the government, the
government will actually become an agent of the people. This may sound strange,
but believe me, it is very much possible.
(ii) Let the government be
run like a corporate, with all citizens as shareholders - If every
citizen is considered an equal shareholder of the country's assets, which can
be defined as land, water, minerals, air-space, frequencies and other natural
resources, then every citizen will have a share in the return on those assets
too. In such a case, government, like a corporate management, should strive to
maximise its profits, and every citizen would have a part of these profits. The
public goods and services like national defence, law and order will be financed
from such national income that includes profits from assets and tax as its
(iii) Promote other power
centres - Throughout human civilisation, loyalty on the basis of family
has been a common feature that persists even in today's age of individualism.
Such centres need to be promoted as centres of decision making, in order to
decentralise power. Family is small enough to survive as a unit and large
enough to bind the society in a network. Apart from family, other power centres
can be local neighborhoods, voluntary associations, or professional guilds, as they use to be in
If all these three changes can be introduced, the role of government gets
changed so drastically that it seizes to be a government in the way it is
understood today. Directors of a company are nowhere like rulers, and even if
they have control, they cannot govern the shareholders. Once the citizens take
control of finances, discretion of individuals in power will largely disappear,
and as other centres of power rise, government will not have the authority that
is a license to abuse of power.
In that way, one would have reached a state of 'practical anarchy'. Such
practical anarchy is actually not a state of complete lawlessness. It is just
that people organize themselves to self govern themselves in a manner that is
different from what he may have been oding so far. It can also be called
national corporate management, if one likes.
Why Practical Anarchy ?
Practical anarchy offers a median solution to opposing problems of total
disorder and absolute repressive authoritarianism. It is also an option that
stands somewhere midway between capitalism and communism. Total disorder can
let genocides and destruction prevail, while repressive authoritarianism of
dictatorship can be even worse than anarchy. Practical Anarchy, on the model
suggested, will prevent both the destruction that can happen without authority,
and yet it would contain the authority from crossing its mandate.
Communism vies for 'dictatorship of the proletariat' as a means to bring
power to people. Unfortunately, more often than not, this power gets
concentrated in the hands of the few and is vulnerable to abuse. In practical
Anarchy, people own the major assets and have a share in returns - thus people
get enriched if assets are used properly. In a way it would achieve what the
communism failed to do - to distribute power and ownership to people.
Capitalism attempts to bring efficiency in economic process, but it fails
in sharing the return with the worse-off and so creates disparity and inequity
- the reasons why it is despised by socialists and communists. In fact, in a
capital driven market oriented society, the less privileged suffer not as much
because of the free market, as they often do due to elite capture of
authoritarian state power, which gets tilted towards capital owners to the
extent it begins to hurt everyone else.
Practical Anarchy or National Corporate Governance?
In practical Anarchy, not only the free-market will prevail, but the
problems of externalitie' and public goods will also be taken care of, as
governments will aim at profits on 'public assets', and the returns will be
shared by all equally, thereby bringing down inequity and economic disparity.
It would, of course, mean that many of the existent practices, where the
benefits from public goods are internalized by capitalists without directly
paying from them, may have to be drastically changes. In essence, it would mean
that all public and environmental goods are owned by the national corporate (in
which every citizen has an ownership), which would then be able to charge rent
on their commercial use. The more we can depend upon such a model, the lesser
will be the need for taxes. The only challenging area of governance, which
would then remain, will be the pure Samuelson goods like national defense, law
and order and equitable redistribution, which may still need to be taken care
of by a public choice mechanism.
The advantage of such a system lies primarily in diluting the absolute
authoritarianism of the existing State institutions, which are almost always
vulnerable to misuse, and when that happens, the outcomes can be extremely
unjust for those affected adversely.
There seems to be a reasonably case for practical Anarchy, but first let us
begin by calling it "National Corporate Governance" to remove the
negative connotations of lawlessness that seems to be suggested by its name!
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